Monday, March 26, 2012


Welcome to our class;) we are 8C at Junior High School one Malang!
CASTELLANDUM? That's the damn name for our class, Class too Epic, Legit, Loud, and DAMN Mad! Laddies and Gentleman welcome to our insane class with our leader Miranda, co-leader Livia xD, Dani as secretary one, Vigyan as secretary two, Aya as comite on, and Vina as comite two. And say f*ck! to our homeroom Mrs. Peni Hidayati :3
many teacher at my school always say this "Shut up guy!","Pay attention pleasee11","Why you are so annoying", and the most popular one "Semua itu tidak penting, yang penting hanyalah memperhatikan saya menjelaskan ini *muka sok imut*" - Mrs. Maya, our Math teacher.
as you know lah, our class is so really really overact, commonly the teacher always have a negative thinking to our class, but nevermind we don't really care bout it.
what do they say. whatever they say about our class, I still love CASTELLANDUM <3

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